
Maisons des Jeunes Talents has a fundraising page on the Helloasso platform.

There are several donation options available to you. Each donation qualifies for the associated tax reduction.

HELLOASSO donation platform


a volunteer

Maisons des Jeunes Talents is always looking for kind-hearted people to help work with our students, providing academic, personal and professional support.

If you are keen to encourage equality of opportunity and would like to give up a bit of your


Contact us !

Become a tutor

Every year, the Maisons des Jeunes Talents accommodation and support program needs support tutors in maths (EC and Sup) and physics (Sup-Spé).

Support tutors work with small groups of 2 or 3 students in the first year of ECE, ECS, PCSI and MPSI preparatory classes to help them establish, in maths and physics, good practices in learning lessons and solving problems as well as looking in more detail at subjects that they might be struggling with. This support takes place in Paris, for sessions of 90 minutes to 2 hours per week. Support tutors are either volunteers or receive a modest stipend.

Join a mock interview panel

Personality interviews are a key test (with a high coefficient) in the oral element of the selection process for commercial schools and also some engineering schools. Success in this test can often transform a ‘possible’ into a ‘definite’.

To prepare for this, students attend ‘mock interviews’ at the beginning and end of the academic year with a panel of 3 people, who might be company executives with experience in recruiting new employees, young people who have recently been through the process themselves or those who are frequently involved in Grande Ecole oral tests.


a Partner

Maison des Jeunes Talents depends on many partners – financial, charity, academic, real estate – to help it develop the awareness-building, preparing and lodging and support elements of its program for students from less-advantaged backgrounds.

Since 2010, the charity has proved itself, with around 100 students supported and a 100% success rate in Grande Ecole entrance exams in 2022-2023.

We need you to help give an opportunity to even more students to achieve their dream of getting into a Grande Ecole. To support a fast-growing program with a strong social impact, join us!

Various partnership options are available to you:

Financial sponsorship

By providing financial support to Maisons des Jeunes Talents, you are allying your company with a project on a human scale that offers several routes to involvement for your staff: sponsoring a student, taking part in mock interviews, or the Race of Heroes

Paris CPGE

Maisons des Jeunes Talents is a charity providing free accommodation and support to students receiving financial support and attending preparatory classes for Grande Ecole entrance examinations in Paris (and at Lycée Pasteur in Neuilly-sur-Seine). To help make your students aware of the possibilities, we can provide you with flyers, posters or information to put on your website.

Educational establishments

Help build your students’ awareness of preparatory classes! By becoming an academic partner, you can receive visits from former students of the Maisons des Jeunes Talents accommodation and support program to share their personal histories and demonstrate that “Preparatory classes are an option!”, irrespective of social or geographic background.


If you work in supporting students from less-advantaged backgrounds into high-level education, there are bound to be ways we can work together! For example, if you work with high school students, some of whom want to go on to take preparatory classes, Maisons des Jeunes Talents could offer an accommodation and support solution.

Social housing and social landlords

Maisons des Jeunes Talents is always on the look-out for new premises, at reasonable rents, to expand and support more students. If you have a housing solution to suggest, please get in touch.

Contact us !